My Youtube Channel


If you like the content on this website you may like the videos even better! Youtube is a site where you can upload videos and I make videos about Club Penguin, Webkinz, Wordament, Fantasy Life, Pokemon, Minecraft, It has many more!


Here is my youtube channel link: My youtube channel Subscribe for content and like my videos if you enjoyed them! I hope you enjoy my channel!



Terraria Review


Terraria Review

This is my Terraria review, Terraria is a fun game it is a Survival, Simulation, Action, Strategy, and Role play.

You can do a lot of things in Terraria which makes it impossible to get bored of. Terraria is like Minecraft. You can improve your armor, Build houses and other building, Mine and get ores, Defeat bosses such as SkeletronLepus, and Plantera, Also many more! Click here if you want to learn more about bosses.

Terraria is for PC (Personal Computer) Mac (Media Access Control) Android or iOS (Tablet, Phone, (ect.)) Nintendo 3ds (Nintendo System) Xbox 360 (Microsoft Console) PSV (Play station vita) PS3 (Play station 3) Xbox One (Microsoft Console) Wii U (Nintendo Console) If you are interested in buying these terraria copies then here you go!

Android →

iOS →

Xbox 360 →

Xbox One →

Nintendo 3ds/Wii U →

PC/Mac →


Play station 3 →


Terraria is a great game and I highly recommend you buy it!
